Message of Youth
Using the psychology of the young person, combined with the wisdom of
Sacred Scripture, and supported by the popular contemporary insights of
modern music and film, Fr. Mike Scully provides a rare glimpse into the
specific difficulties facing youth in a high-school and college
environment often hostile to traditional Christian morality.
Christian leadership is a topic that has many faces. It is a subject
that can be studied with theses and subdivisions. It is also a leaven
that permeates people's lives, a leaven that creates a person's
character, as expressed in that person's thoughts, words and actions.
Such a leaven comes from many sources, but ultimately all of the
sources must find their foundation in Jesus Christ. It is what Jesus
said and did and if possible to discover, what he thought that guides a
Christian leader. The best place to find the Christian thought is in
the Gospels of the New Testament, in the work of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John, and meditation on those Gospels.
This website is set up to
foster Christian leadership. It is dedicated to the thought that a
person can be transformed into being a Christian leader by reflection
on the Gospels.
the best ways to study Christian leadership is to study our lives with
the idea that Christian leadership will "dictate" certain elements to
those living situations. There is no better place to find them than in
the modern media of film, television, and music. The media presents
people in life situations. One can study those situations and determine
what a Christian leader should do given the circumstances that are
Therefore, this website is
also set up with the idea that the principles of Jesus Christ can and
should be found in the real-life situations that are contained in the
modern media of the twenty-first century.
important part of the website is what is called "Gospel Meditations."
They are the continuation of the daily meditations that have already
begun in print with the publication of "The Gospels in Modern Media."
Every day of the year, a person will find a meditation on Christian
leadership coming directly from the Gospels and a specific selection
from the modern media of film and music. The meditations can be easily
printed from the website and used for personal growth.
visiting the website will also be able to see a Christian leader's
reflection on the current top 5 songs (according to Mix 103, KJLS-FM,
in Hays, KS, www.mix103fm.com) and the transcript of Fr. Mike Scully's
radio show "Message at the Top." Both links explore the principles of
Christian leadership that can be found in the popular music of the
current day, as well as the top 20 "Hot Adult Contemporary" music of
the 80's, 90's and 2000's. .
Michael Scully,
Meditation, Gospel Meditations, Christian Meditations, Christian
Leadership, Leadership, Catholic, Christian Media, Gospel, Media,
Meditations, Scripture, Popular Songs, Movies
©2007 Capuchin Province of Mid-America
Fr. Mike Scully is a member of the Capuchin
Province of